Friday, December 23, 2011

Bye-Bye 2011-Welcome 2012!

Today is the 22nd December,2011. It has been more than a year since I have posted anything here. A year and a quarter has passed me by and yes as always the passing time has been full of new experiences, events & personal milestones. It is that time of the year when you take stock of all that has been and all that you intend it to be. In the past, the taking stock has been a very personal undertaking, not to be shared. But, this year I thought that I should use my blog as the stock taking forum.
So what have I been up to? Broadly, 2011 has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, the ups and downs have been exciting and invigorating. In December,2010 I learnt I was pregnant and was on a high :). We were looking forward to being parents. But, in January unfortunately we lost our baby. Though,it was an early loss there was a bit of an emotional downswing. Not that I was constantly depressed or crying but I did shed the occasional tears. Thanks to my Company's policy I could take a brief break from work, spend time with friends & family and be back to my usual cheerful self.
Then, in May,2011 my husband, Amit & I along with a group of friends took an awesome trip to Istanbul,Turkey. We absolutely fell in love with the place, food and people. It was not only the wonderful architectural heritage but the very warmth of the people which made our trip so memorable. We came back all relaxed & rejuvenated.
And Guess what, June,2011 arrived with the happy news that I was pregnant again! This time we were not taking any chances. The doctor advised bed rest in the first trimester & I quit my job. I have been home since then. The nausea & vomiting kept me busy with no time to think; the first three & half months of pregnancy just flew by. Being at home was a boon. With the start of my second trimester,I really had the time for the fact to sink in that life is changing, suddenly the focus had shifted from excel spreadsheets, to knitting patterns. And well it was awesome.I wish every mom to-be gets a chance to be with herself,feel the baby grow within her and enjoy the attention of loved ones.That's what I have been experiencing.
Now that 2012 is round the corner, we are waiting to meet our little bundle of joy. Life will change again and I am ready to embrace the change.
So all in all, not a bad year's work at all! Bye-Bye 2011... thanks for all that you have taught me. I am now ready to let you go & awaiting to embrace 2012 :)

1 comment:

  1. wonderful thoughts and wonderful way of presenting and what an achievement!!!

    all the best
