Friday, September 24, 2010

Breathe, Smile and Go Slowly!

There are days when the number of 'To-dos" lined up seem overwhelming and you just wish that there was a magic wand that you could wave and get everything done.  The sheer work load  makes you feel that there is no time to breathe.  The best remedy I have found to this overload is actually that ---remember to breathe and breathe in deep .  Such simple solution to life's problem.  Actually  I am sure that everyone gives this advice.  You are stressed out.. people will say count till ten, take deep breaths. 

Till today I had never really thought about the significance of these easily dished out remedies.  But, I think in the hurry to fast forward life, it is sometimes important to hit the pause button. For, one day we may suddenly realise that life has just rushed by that  it is just a blur.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Day!

Today is my first day as a blogger. Not that I have not been in a habit to write down my thoughts. From as long as I remember I have always maintained a journal. But, this is a whole new ball game. My thoughts can now be shared by strangers. It is a bit intimidating but at the same time a very exhilarating feeling. For when you open your thoughts to the world, you are letting the external take a peek in your soul.

As I begin this journey, it feels like i am stepping into this whole unknown world ,there is a sense of excitement and anticipation as to what new discoveries await!

Let the journey begin! Bon voyage to me...