Saturday, February 18, 2012

An Inspirational Little Tale!

I do not remember where I have read this little story or who has written it.  But, this little tale is amazing and inspires me till date. I wanted to share it with all of you. So here it is!

A little girl's mother loved to embroider. The little girl enjoyed playing at her mother's feet. She used to sit on the floor playing while the mother sat in her favorite chair near the window embroidering. Normally the little girl used to be too busy with her play to pay attention to what her mother was doing. But, one day the little girl had hurt her hand and was finding it difficult to play. So she started to observe her mother embroider.

From where she was sitting at her mother's feet, all she could see were lot of knots, jumbled threads criss-crossing, generally a mess. The little girl then asked her mother, "Why are you taking so much time and care creating something which does not look nice at all?" The mother said "Be patient my little one, you will see when I am done".
Soon enough, the mother lifted her daughter on to her lap and lo behold, all the messy little knots and jumbled threads had transformed in to a beautiful embroidered rose.
The mother then explained "Dear daughter, I was just following a pre-drawn design. From where you were, you could not see what I was creating. So what you saw was just a jumble and a mess! But, what was getting embroidered was a beautiful rose."

I always try to remember this little story, when life seems a bit dull and dreary.

We cannot see the big and beautiful picture which God is creating for us. So what  we should do it,we should be patient and allow God's design to unfold. And in the meanwhile, we should trust and believe that a beautiful rose is emerging from the jumble of our life!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A pat on the back!

This is a self appreciation post.  When I decided at the end of 2011 that I will be really giving my interest in writing a chance, I had not known whether I will be able to do it. I have done quite well, I have more than ten posts here and I had not known whether I will be able to publish even one! I have been able to consistently post once a week. I feel good...I know it may seem too early to say how far I can keep this up but I definitely deserve to give myself a pat on my back! I have come this far and that means I can go further.
Good job Ashwini, Keep up the good work!

I know that appreciation,feedback and encouragement from others is important but I believe it is more important to appreciate ourselves. It is important that we acknowledge the progress that we are making each day. It is not always possible for others to understand how far we have come from where we began or how far we intend to go....

But you know it and when you see yourself taking the steps in the right direction, do take some time to encourage and acknowledge that progress. A little self appreciation can go a long way :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Baby Steps

So we know we need to make some changes.. splurge less on impulsive buys, start exercising more often,eat out less,spend more time on things that matter most, or maybe something bigger like getting rid of a harmful addiction or a toxic relationship. But, then though we know that making such a change will make a great difference to the quality of life we are leading, we just cannot bring ourselves to take that first step.

In reality, it is the first tiny step towards change which matters. What stops us from taking that first step? I think, as we grow up we start fearing failure, the unknown, the discomfort that any change initially brings about, sometimes it is just that we start expecting perfection in just one step.We have forgotten that it is OK to falter, to not be successful in the first attempt! We have forgotten that when we started walking as babies, took the first step,we did stumble, even fall, maybe got hurt,sometimes went back to crawling but we did not stop trying ! As babies we did not expect perfection at the first step, we did not even spend too much time thinking about the fall, we just took one more tiny step, though shaky; it was the step in the right direction.

I wish to capture this art again,  I want to be a kid again, learn things,pick up new habits;without fearing failure or expecting perfection in the first step.. I will stumble, I will falter, I may give up for sometime but I will get up and walk again....